Pounded Yam


Pounded Yam is one of the Nigerian recipes that is eaten with various Nigerian soups. It can be eaten with Egusi Soup, Efo Riro, Ogbono, Ila asepo  and many more. Pounded Yam is a popular African dish similar to mashed potatoes but heavier. Pounded Yam is very smooth and tasty. Our Pounded Yam is prepared fresh every day by pounding 100% yam.

Pounded Yam is one of the Nigerian recipes that is eaten with the various Nigerian soups. Pounded Yam is one of the Nigerian recipes that is eaten with the various Nigerian soups. It can be eaten with Egusi Soup, Efo Riro , Ogbono and Ila asepo and many more. Pounded Yam is a popular African dish similar to mashed potatoes but heavier. Pounded Yam is very smooth and tasty.

With Soup

Efo Riro with fish , Ogbono , Ila Alasepo , Egusi , With meat , cow skin , cow strip


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